Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day 12 - race to Austin, TX

There were not many things to see, or stop to photograph. The only thing is that the roads in Texas, even the Farm Roads have speed limit 75MPH for cars and 70MPH for trucks, all 65MPH at night. That I was doing, keeping up with the others (or better). Did a lot of miles.

I don't know how people do "Iron butt" race - 1000 miles in 24 hours. Damn, I can tell, my butt is as hard as concrete. By the way, that stuff, the Biofreeze, helps. I've developed a pain in the right shoulder blade, from neck down and some in the right hand. Once I put that stuff on, the pain was gone. But, the problem is that the other parts of the body started showing some pain I had felt before because of severity of the right shoulder blade.

That's my camp the night before at the Big Bend National Park Campground. No Internet, some cellphone reception, but for texting only.

I had to disassemble and fix that belly guard again, after attempting to get into my route at the gate to Univ. of Texas.

Taxpayers' money well spent...

Illegal immigrant smuggling device...

There are thousand of those trucks along the board. I've hit 5 immigration block posts, checkpoints. I was just asked if I'm an American citizen, OK, have a good day. NO, I'm an illegal immigrant playing Russian roulette with US government...

I had to stop and take a picture of this...

Ye-e, ye-e, 12 days on the road...

I almost hit one of these...

Don't remember the name of these birds in English, but there are so many of them, probably as many as those border patrol officers...

How the heck you gonna fish from that bridge?

 a rest stop...


  1. The birds are called buzzards, or Ameican Turkey Vulture.

  2. those different riding positions are hilarious!!!

    I met you at the Ural rally briefly and you told me about your trip. Glad it's going well.

