Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 4 - Arkansas, an agriculture state

What a day. I crossed the Mississippi river into Arkansas today. I've done maybe 98% of unpaved roads, mostly gravel. If I were Picasso and had an art test tomorrow, I'd probably fail. My wrists hurt. Light gravel on top of dirt is OK, but, man they have lots of gravel to waste. They put so much gravel on top so it's very loose and create hills in between the tracks. If you wobble on it, you do a cha-cha on motorcycle, very scary stuff. But it's better than sand. Sand is OK, if it's not deep. I had some fine deep sand roads today, That's where you really slowdown.

Good thing,I did not drop the bike even once. Bad thing, I ended up in a dry county,don't remember the name of it, but probably "Wrong County". A town of Beebe. I'm glad I've taken my trusty Makarov with me, man, that route was made through some neighbourhoods you don't want to go after sun goes down.

Here is the report of the Day 4. I've covered 297 miles with average 29MPH (again, don't worry about the maximum speed)

Here are some more pictures with some comments.
The day started at the tank in Holly something...

Gotta watch out for tire, chain andsprockets wear.

Good protection on the bottom. I hear loud bangs of big rocks hitting the guards.

Here is where the trail was suppose to go through...

I don't know what's wrong with that town, but lots of inmates in uniforms doing some jobs around. A cop was goofing around inside the cages grocery store at the gas station.

Here is sand I was talking about. You can swim in it.


  1. What's wrong with max.speed anyway?
    Judging by Picasa's pictures he, probably, had similar trips each time before he started drawing ))

    Pictures are awesome.

  2. No, he was drinking, that's different :)
